If you’re curious enough to read this section, I appreciate the interest. So what’s to say about me? Well, I’m a U.S. citizen (for obvious reasons I don’t like talking about specifics, I’m a private lad.) I’m a guy who just has a strong urge to draw and make stories for multiple reasons, and probably some reasons I have long forgotten the answers to.

I might be nuts. I don’t know, but what artist isn’t a little odd? I enjoy what I do and I love to entertain people, its a rewarding experience even if it doesn’t always pay the bills consistently. I’ve got a lot of storytelling experience by playing Dungeons and Dragons sessions for years and just writing on my own and cross referencing it with some of my favorite authors like R.A. Salvator and Tolkien. Though I lean more toward Salvator’s style of being poetic but quick and to the point without mincing things with language that is too flowery.

I like a lot of classic anime from the 80’s through the late 2000’s and beyond. I had an insatiable thirst to read or watch as many of those movies, comics, and manga that I could as a teen and going into my early 20’s. But something happened and I got bored because I could predict a lot of the stories. That’s when it hit me what the next step was. I was an artist and an author (mostly self taught.) In order to keep pursuing that fixation on stories I had to make the leap to a creator instead to keep the passionate flame alive. And here I am.

I do have a taste for dark and edgy things but balance it out with humor or not taking stuff like that too seriously.

Again, I really appreciate the interest if you’ve read this far. And if another artist is out there watching that has a dream, and passion for this sort of thing. My greatest hope is I will inspire you to go out and do your thing. I know other artists have helped me do the same. Just know that a lot of this isn’t easy, its lots of sleepless nights, sometimes frustration and tears, and maybe a pinch of questioning your own sanity. But it is fun. And I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

Thank you for reading

-Dark Arts